NavQPlus Smart Camera Platform

Get a head start adding vision and AI to your next project with 2.3TOPS of AI acceleration and Brinq Smart Camera software.

EV Charging and Infrastructure

Actionable AI analytics and world-class communications for in-field equipment.


Unleash The Power
of Edge AI

Enablement, analytics applications and scalable edge inference hardware.


Real-time Voice and Video Evolved

enablement for
all types of hardened communications devices.


Secure IoT Endpoints,
Tools and Gateways

Create, deploy and manage
secure end-to-end connected systems.

Our Products

Our Solutions

We Are Edge

We are embedded experts with specialized know-how. We are the quiet pioneers behind the connected device revolution for over 20 years. Our brand stands for innovation and exceptional products.

Our Ecosystem Partners

Great partners make the voyage shorter – Our ecosystem brings specialized expertise and industry insight to everything we do.

Talk to us,
we don’t bite